Plants have a secret weapon for surviving stress

Plants have a secret weapon for surviving stress

Plants often struggle to grow when they are dealing with stress from environmental changes, such as the unpredictable climate shifts we are now experiencing, and this affects our food supply.

But a recent study has revealed a surprising twist – plants are not just surviving; they are finding ways to thrive. The research highlights how plants make a special anti-stress compound that helps them withstand harsh conditions.

In a big step forward, researchers from University of East Anglia (UEA) have pinpointed the genes that enable plants to produce this compound, known as dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP).

This discovery opens up exciting possibilities for creating crops that can better handle the stresses of a changing world.

Plants’ anti-stress molecule

Interestingly, though most plants produce DMSP, those with high-level DMSP production demonstrate an extraordinary capacity to thrive even in challenging environments, like coastal areas with high salt content.

In addition, the study shows that plants can be grown in other stressful conditions, such as drought, by supplementing them with DMSP or engineering plants that can produce their own DMSP.

This approach could prove especially helpful in improving agricultural productivity in nitrogen-deficient soils.

“Excitingly, our study shows that most plants make the anti-stress compound DMSP, but that the saltmarsh grass Spartina is special due to the high levels it accumulates,” said Professor Jon Todd, a faculty member in UEA’s School of Biological Sciences.

“This is important because Spartina saltmarshes are global hotspots for DMSP production and for generation of the climate-cooling gas dimethylsulfide through the action of microbes that breakdown DMSP.”

New avenues for plants stress tolerance

“This discovery provides fundamental understanding about how plants tolerate stress and offers promising avenues for improving the tolerance of crops to salinity and drought, which is important for enhancing agricultural sustainability in the face of global climate change,” said study lead author Dr. Ben Miller.

The research team included scientists not only from UEA’s School of Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Pharmacology, as well as experts from the Ocean University of China.

Plants thriving in challenging conditions

The team studied Spartina anglica, a species of saltmarsh cordgrass known for its highlevel of DMSP production.

They compared its genes with those of other plants that also produce DMSP, albeit mainly at low concentrations. Barley and wheat, staple crops that cover vast tracts in the UK, belong to this category.

This comprehensive comparison led the researchers to identify three enzymes crucial for the high-level production of DMSP in Spartina anglica.

New era of sustainable agriculture

In addition to stress protection, DMSP plays critical roles in global carbon and sulfur cycling, as well as the production of climate-active gases.

In a world grappling with climate change and its ramifications, these findings offer a glimmer of hope.

By harnessing the power of DMSP and the plant genes that produce it, we can usher in a new era of sustainable agriculture that not only survives but thrives under challenging conditions.

Future of stress-resilient agriculture

This breakthrough in our understanding of the relationship between plants and DMSP unfolds a new world of fascinating potentials for farming, especially in light of the ever-increasing stress presented by climate change.

Picture cultivating crops that not only withstand harsh conditions but bloom in them. These fresh perspectives may enable scientists to guide plants in managing arid soil conditions or drought, without the necessity for excessive water or fertilisers.

The researchers at UEA will continue to examine how we could increase DMSP production in various plant species and exploring the implications for global food cultivation.

If successful, we could witness not only a spike in farm productivity but also a leap towards more environmentally-friendly farming practices.

Moreover, given that DMSP is associated with climate-active gases, this study could provide innovative solutions to pressing climate-change issues.

As this pivotal research continues, we can envision a future where our plants are equipped to stand resilient against any stressors that nature might throw at them, ensuring a secure food supply in an ever-rapidly evolving world.

The study is published in the journal Nature Communications.


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