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Planets orbiting common red dwarf stars may not be habitable

Red dwarfs, the most common type of star in our milky way galaxy, are intriguingly small, slow-burning stars with very long life spans. Now, a new study is adding an unexpected twist to the red dwarf narrative involving ultra-violet (UV) radiation.

In fact, the amount of UV radiation emitted by this class of stars could render any orbiting planets uninhabitable, despite being in the “goldilocks” zone.

Unmasking this cosmic conundrum, researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy (IfA) step into the spotlight.

The study was led by astronomers Vera Berger and Benjamin J. Shappee and their fellow researchers at IfA. They’ve pulled back the cosmic curtain to give us a fresh view of these celestial firecrackers, presenting an intriguing, more nuanced narrative.

Red dwarf’s UV radiation

The researchers discovered that red dwarf stars can produce stellar flares emitting far-ultraviolet (far-UV) radiation at levels much higher than previously presumed.

The million-dollar question is: How does this intense UV radiation from these flares impact the habitability of planets around the red dwarfs?

“Few stars have been thought to generate enough UV radiation through flares to impact planet habitability. Our findings show that many more stars may have this capability,” Berger divulges.

The UV radiation from these potent stellar flares can be both a bane and boon to life-sustaining planets. On the one hand, flares might erode planetary atmospheres, posing a threat.

Conversely, they can contribute to the formation of essential life-creating RNA building blocks. These are the stakes.

GALEX space telescope

The team scoured archival data from the GALEX space telescope, probing for flares among 300,000 nearby stars.

This now-decommissioned NASA mission captured near-and far-UV wavelengths of most of the sky from 2003 to 2013.

By harnessing modern computational techniques, the researchers unearthed fascinating insights buried within the heaps of historical data.

“Combining modern computer power with gigabytes of decades-old observations allowed us to search for flares on thousands and thousands of nearby stars,” asserts Michael Tucker, a Ph.D. graduate of IfA and now a postdoctoral fellow at Ohio State University.

The research challenges established models of stellar flares and exoplanet habitability. The far-UV emission from flares is, on average, three times more potent than typically projected. It can even surge to twelve times the anticipated energy levels.

“A change of three is the same as the difference in UV in the summer from Anchorage, Alaska to Honolulu, where unprotected skin can get a sunburn in less than 10 minutes,” Shappee explains.

Culprit behind red dwarf UV flares

The exact factor behind this amplified far-UV emission is still a mystery to the scientists. One possibility could be the concentration of flare radiation at specific wavelengths linked to the presence of atoms like carbon and nitrogen.

Ph.D. candidate at IfA and study co-author Jason Hinkle observes, “This study has changed the picture of the environments around stars less massive than our Sun, which emit very little UV light outside of flares.”

Berger, now a Churchill Scholar at the University of Cambridge, concludes that more data from space telescopes is needed to explore the UV light from stars.

This probing analysis — of the stars and their emissions — is crucial for understanding this mystifying UV phenomenon.

And so, the saga of the red dwarfs carries on, bringing us ever closer to unlocking the secrets of these stellar flares and their impact on potential life-hosting planets.

Red dwarfs, far-UV, and the search for E.T.

The revelations surrounding the intense far-UV radiation emitted by red dwarfs compel a re-evaluation of current exoplanet habitability models.

As researchers continue to identify planets within the habitable zones of these stars, the newfound understanding that stellar flares can drastically affect atmospheric integrity is vital.

It suggests that not all planets orbiting red dwarfs are created equal; some may be more susceptible to atmospheric stripping than others, which can fundamentally alter the potential for life.

Understanding how far-UV radiation interacts with various planetary atmospheres will be critical for future astronomical surveys and will necessitate a multi-faceted approach that integrates observations of stellar activity, atmospheric composition, and evolutionary models.

As astronomers advance their quest for extraterrestrial life, these findings highlight the importance of considering the dynamic environment that surrounds potentially habitable planets, ensuring that the search for life goes beyond the classic parameters of distance and planetary conditions.

The next chapter lies in the upcoming sky survey data, ready to provide new insights and deepen our understanding of the universe. The tale of the cosmos unravels, one dwarf star at a time.

This important research stems from Vera Berger’s work during the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program at IfA, an initiative supported by the National Science Foundation.

The study is published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.


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