Our sense of smell detects odors in less time than it takes to blink

Our sense of smell detects odors in less time than it takes to blink

Have you ever wondered why the smell of freshly baked bread or sizzling bacon can pull you out of bed instantly before dawn? Or how we can distinguish between thousands of different odors and smells? The simple answer lies in the incredible and underappreciated power of our olfactory system.

Sense of smell and odor detection

Commonly, we think of our sense of smell, or olfaction, as a slow sense. This notion stems from the process through which we perceive odors.

When we breathe in, airborne chemicals (that gives a substance its distinctive smell) enter our noses, and are subsequently expelled when we exhale.

A single breath, lasting 3-5 seconds, seems to limit how quickly we can detect smells. Any chemical changes that happen within a single breath end up being perceived as a single odor.

However, a groundbreaking study led by Dr. ZHOU Wen from the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is presenting us with a whole new perspective.

Published in the renowned publication Nature Human Behaviour, the study proved that our olfactory perception could pick up subtle chemical changes within the duration of a single sniff, challenging the earlier understanding of our sense of smell.

To prove this, Dr. Zhou’s team ingeniously developed a sniff-triggered device (imagine a high-tech version of the “smell-o-vision”).

This device controls the delivery of odors with a remarkable precision of 18 milliseconds — the length of a frame on a standard LCD screen.

Smelling and odor compounds

The team conducted five experiments involving 229 participants. Using their device, they introduced the participants to a sequence of two odors, with meticulously calculated delays.

The participants’ objective? To see if they could distinguish between the two different smells.

The results were astounding. Participants could tell the difference between two odor compounds, even when the delay between each odor was a mere 60 milliseconds. That’s just a third of the time it takes for your eyes to blink!

What’s even more interesting is that the participants’ ability to distinguish odors was not influenced by odor intensity, pleasantness, pungency, or the total amount of odorant molecules in a single sniff. It purely depended on the temporal separation of the two odors.

Decoding the odor identity

What does all of this mean? Well, these findings hint at the existence of a temporal code for odor identity.

“A sniff of odors is not a long exposure shot of the chemical environment that averages out temporal variations. Rather, it incorporates a temporal sensitivity on par with that for color perception,” Dr. Zhou states.

This research paves the way to study further temporal aspects of olfactory perception and develop advanced olfactory displays.

Smell and odor perception

The implications of this research extend far beyond the confines of laboratory settings and provide intriguing insights into how scent influences human behavior and interaction.

Recognizing the olfactory system’s capacity to distinguish subtle chemical differences rapidly could revolutionize industries reliant on scent, such as food and beverage, perfumes, and even healthcare.

By leveraging a deeper understanding of temporal odor perception, professionals could refine flavor development, enhance the design of fragrances, and improve the realm of scent-based therapies.

Furthermore, this study invites additional interdisciplinary collaboration to explore how scents play a role in forming memories and emotional states, encouraging further integration between neuroscience, psychology, and the arts.

Future olfactory research

While the findings present a captivating shift in our comprehension of olfactory capabilities, they also sow seeds for future research.

What underlying neural mechanisms enable such swift odor discrimination? How do these processes vary among individuals or across different species?

These questions beckon a fresh wave of scientific inquiries aimed at unraveling the complexities of scent perception.

As technology continues to advance, researchers may develop even more precise tools for examining the temporal dynamics of olfaction.

By diving deeper into this sensory dimension, scientists aspire to unlock novel applications and technologies, potentially transforming how we interact with and perceive our aromatic environment.

Mysteries beyond smell and odor

While we now know more about the speed of our sense of smell, this only scratches the surface of our olfactory system’s capabilities.

It opens up a whole new world of questions — could our alertness to smells give us evolutionary advantages? How does the brain process these smells so rapidly?

Next time you take a deep breath, remember, it’s not just air you’re sniffing in. It’s a concoction of fine, nuanced odors, processed and perceived in the blink of an eye.


This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

The study is published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.


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