Ocean’s hidden 'skin' could protect us from climate change

Ocean’s hidden 'skin' could protect us from climate change

Just below the surface of our vast oceans, there exists a a tiny layer less than 2 millimeters deep. This ultra-thin layer, termed “ocean skin,” is ever so slightly cooler than the water directly beneath it.

This subtle temperature difference might not seem like much, but it acts as an efficient gatekeeper for one of the world’s most notorious greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide (CO2).

Temperature of ocean skin

According to new research, the slightly cooler temperature of the ocean skin increases the amount of CO2 the ocean can absorb.

The theory is not new – it has been suggested by lab work and theoretical studies but had not been observed successfully in the open seas.

A team of researchers from the University of Exeter‘s Penryn Campus in Cornwall used advanced measurements to confirm that the ocean skin’s temperature indeed aids in carbon absorption.

CO2 absorbed in the Atlantic

The team conducted its study in the Atlantic Ocean. Their findings suggest that the Atlantic absorbs roughly 7% more CO2 each year than was previously estimated.

While 7% might sound like a trivial increase, when applied across all oceans, this additional carbon absorption equates to one and a half times the carbon captured annually by the vast Amazon rainforest.

Ocean skin and climate change

The global ocean acts as a massive sink, absorbing about a quarter of our carbon emissions. This process helps to slow down climate change. However, it also harms the ocean. The new study takes us a step closer to understanding these complex dynamics.

“Our findings provide measurements that confirm our theoretical understanding about CO2 fluxes at the ocean surface,” said lead author Dr. Daniel Ford, a biological and physical oceanographer at the University of Exeter.

Climate change conference

As we approach the COP29 climate change conference next month, the significance of this research is amplified.

Understanding the role of oceans in absorbing carbon emissions helps to improve global carbon assessments, which in turn can guide efforts to reduce emissions.

The ocean skin discovery has been included in the team’s data submission to this year’s Global Carbon Budget assessment, contributing to our collective understanding of carbon fluxes.

Analyzing ocean skin

The team’s research was focused on ship observations gathered during two European Space Agency projects.

State-of-the-art CO2 flux systems measured tiny differences in CO2 in the air swirling towards the ocean surface and away again, complemented by high-resolution temperature measurements.

“This work is the culmination of many years of effort from an international team of scientists,” said Dr. Ian Ashton, also from the University of Exeter.

“The European Space Agency’s support for science was instrumental in putting together such a high-quality measurement campaign across an entire ocean.”

Future climate models

As scientists refine our understanding of the oceans’ carbon absorption capabilities, the implications for climate models are substantial.

Accurately accounting for the increased CO2 uptake by the ocean skin layer can transform predictive models, offering more precise future climate scenarios.

Moreover, this knowledge empowers policymakers to craft more informed environmental strategies, leveraging marine-based carbon sequestration as a cornerstone for mitigation efforts.

As these models become more robust, they will inform international policy and funding decisions, further driving innovation in climate solutions.

Bridging science and policy

The intersection of scientific discovery and policy formulation is critical in addressing the global climate crisis.

The ocean skin research underscores the importance of integrating scientific insights into actionable policy, thus bridging the gap between theoretical understanding and real-world implementation.

Organizations and governments must work in concert to translate these findings into tangible actions, such as investing in ocean preservation initiatives and incorporating ocean health into climate action frameworks.

As nations prepare for the upcoming COP29 conference, this research crystallizes the role the oceans play, advocating for marine ecosystems’ inclusion in the global climate agenda as they serve as essential buffers against rising CO2 levels.

Ocean skin and climate regulation

Dr. Gavin Tilstone, an expert in the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), emphasized the importance of the findings.

“This discovery highlights the intricacy of the ocean’s water column structure and how it can influence CO₂ draw-down from the atmosphere,” said Dr. Tilstone.

“Understanding these subtle mechanisms is crucial as we continue to refine our climate models and predictions. It underscores the ocean’s vital role in regulating the planet’s carbon cycle and climate.”

With these new insights on ocean skin, we can better appreciate how even the subtlest mechanisms in our oceans have profound implications for Earth’s climate.

The study is published in the journal Nature Geoscience.


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