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Mind wandering in the shower sparks creativity

Most of us have had some of our best ideas in the shower or while taking a leisurely stroll. Some call it a fluke, but cognitive science has a term for it – the shower effect. This is a phenomenon where mundane activities like showering or walking spark creativity in our minds and assist in problem-solving.

The shower effect has been explored by Zachary Irving, an assistant professor with the University of Virginia’s Corcoran Department of Philosophy.

Irving’s research on this concept subsequently caught the eyes of executives from the international soap and cosmetics company, Lush.

The collaboration has prompted a unique campaign that promises to turn research theory into a tangible experience for everyone. More so, this collaboration is adding a new dimension to Irving’s research.

The inception of the shower effect

Irving, described as “the world’s foremost philosopher of mind wandering, if not its first,” is an experimental philosopher who uses social science tools to examine how complex scientific and philosophical concepts impact everyday existence. His research investigates what mind wandering is, what it isn’t, and why it matters.

Initially, he found that existing definitions of mind wandering failed to accurately describe the phenomenon.

“What they were focused on was distraction in general. They were defining mind wandering as what are called task-unrelated thoughts – in other words, anything that distracts you,” said Irving.

“Those seemed very different to me, both from a philosophical standpoint but also from the point of view of how people think about mind wandering.”

Irving clarified that mind wandering is not an unconscious process, as assumed. Instead, it is a conscious state without focus, where free association happens organically and without constraints.

Mind wandering and the shower effect

“The issue with focusing on problem solving is that you’re focusing on what you think is relevant about the problem and what you think is important, but sometimes you’re wrong,” explained Irving.

“When your mind is wandering almost randomly, that’s when you hit upon unusual or creative ideas that you otherwise would have ignored.”

After extensive empirical studies, Irving concluded that mind wandering can indeed stimulate creativity, and can be triggered by performing moderately engrossing activities like showering or dishwashing.

Power of the shower

Following the paper’s publication, Irving was approached by product experts from Lush – a British cosmetics and soap retailer known for their minimalistic and visually appealing products. They proposed a collaboration on a marketing campaign called “Power of the Shower.”

Irving, taking on the unique role of a philosophical cosmetics influencer, assisted in formulating a shower routine using Lush products that induces mind wandering.

The goal is a multisensory experience aimed at disrupting daily worries and compulsive thoughts, thereby inducing a state of relaxation and free association.

“This is one of the most exciting partnerships we’ve done. Being able to integrate the colors, textures and essential oils of Lush products into a powerful mind-melting experience like this is such a fun new way to think about taking care of the body and the mind,” said Erica Vega, a brand and product manager with Lush.

Pioneering new research directions

This unusual partnership has also expanded Irving’s research in unprecedented ways. It has allowed him to explore and influence nuanced emotional states that are harder to induce in a lab setting but are crucial for mind wandering.

“The beauty product industry is focused on how to induce very specific emotions: how to make you experience relaxation or how to induce the sensation of wonder. The specificity of emotions that they’re able to create is really important for what I’m trying to do.”

Irving appreciates the unique opportunity to work directly with the public, making his findings accessible and beneficial to everyone. “As a philosopher, you don’t get that very often. This way, you can experience the philosophy just by taking a shower.”

Christa Acampora is the Dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences at UVA.

“As dean, I know that our faculty in Arts & Sciences are engaged in research and creative activities that impact virtually every dimension of our lives. It is rewarding to see this captivate the attention of others with the result of such a surprising partnership with industry,” said Acampora.

“I applaud Professor Irving’s efforts and creativity in engaging the public in the work that philosophers do while also demonstrating its relevance to their everyday lives.”


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