Aspartame is a sugar substitute that appears in diet sodas, sugar-free snacks, and countless low-calorie treats. Some people see it as a helpful way to reduce sugar intake and limit weight gain.
Researchers, however, have noticed signals that this sweetener might impact vascular health. In a new investigation, scientists explored how aspartame might contribute to fatty plaque buildup in blood vessels through changes in insulin release.
The research was led by Yihai Cao, a professor at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden who studies chronic diseases.
“One of my students was sipping on this sugar-free drink, and I said, ‘Why don’t you look into that?’” recalled Professor Cao.
The team set out to test the effect of aspartame on inflammation linked to cardiovascular function.
The scientists provided mice with a diet containing 0.15% aspartame for about 12 weeks. This is roughly equivalent to drinking three cans of diet soda daily for an adult in the United States.
The animals showed more fatty deposits in their arteries than mice that did not consume the sweetener. These plaques can narrow blood vessels and intensify the likelihood of heart attacks or strokes over time.
Aspartame is about 200 times sweeter than regular sugar, so it can trick sweet-sensing cells in the mouth and digestive system. This causes a boost in insulin secretion that may be higher than typical responses seen with sugar.
The researchers noticed that the aspartame-fed mice displayed a noticeable rise in insulin levels soon after they consumed the sweetener. This extra insulin surge seemed to kick off events that led to more plaque development and elevated artery inflammation.
Excess insulin can send signals that promote the buildup of cholesterol and immune cells in the blood vessel walls. Once these cells get stuck, they make arterial inflammation worse.
The researchers found a particular immune messenger called CX3CL1 that played a big part in trapping these immune cells.
“Because blood flow through the artery is strong and robust, most chemicals would be quickly washed away as the heart pumps, surprisingly, not CX3CL1,” noted Professor Cao.
CX3CL1 remained attached to the vessel walls, where it acted like a magnet for circulating immune cells. When those cells got caught, they compounded the fatty plaques and contributed to harmful changes in the arterial lining.
Aspartame-stimulated insulin release appeared to turn on this sticky CX3CL1 response.
By blocking the receptor for CX3CL1 in some of the mice, the team saw that plaque formation stayed under control.
Some people assume that sugar-free items are automatically better for weight control or overall health. Yet this study hints that aspartame may influence blood vessel inflammation in ways worth noticing.
“Artificial sweeteners have penetrated almost all kinds of food, so we have to know the long-term health impact,” said Professor Cao.
His team plans to continue studying aspartame and other sweeteners to see if humans experience these effects and to uncover how these products fit into a balanced diet.
Many questions remain about how different sweeteners might affect individuals with metabolic issues.
More trials will be needed to see if there are safe thresholds for aspartame use or if certain at-risk groups should avoid the sweetener entirely.
The study also suggests that CX3CL1 could be a potential target for drugs aimed at reducing atherosclerosis. This immune messenger is linked to other conditions driven by inflammation, such as arthritis and diabetes.
Investigators may consider approaches that gauge aspartame’s impact on blood sugar levels across various populations, including those with prediabetes and insulin resistance.
Since insulin regulation is complex, new findings could reveal nuances that differ from person to person.
While the current findings revolve around animal models, scientists aim to expand the research to see if the same issues apply in humans.
Experts may examine real-life consumption patterns, genetic differences, and how other factors (like body weight or gut bacteria) might modify the effects of artificial sweeteners.
The research emphasizes the importance of studying the metabolic consequences of sugar substitutes beyond their low-calorie appeal. Small changes in insulin dynamics might have broader ripple effects on the cardiovascular system.
Many people lean on diet beverages as an alternative to sugary drinks, but this study highlights the need for a cautious approach.
The study also provides researchers with a new approach to developing improved guidelines for sweetener use.
The study is published in Cell Metabolism.
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