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Losing loved ones can speed up biological aging

A recent study reveals that losing close family members, such as a parent, partner, sibling, or child, can accelerate biological aging. The results suggest that losing multiple loved ones has an even more profound influence on health and aging.

The research was conducted by experts at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and the Butler Columbia Aging Center

Losing loved ones and the aging process

The study indicates that individuals experiencing such losses exhibit signs of older biological age compared to those who have not. 

Biological aging refers to the gradual decline in cellular and organ function, increasing the risk of chronic diseases. This aging process is measured using epigenetic clocks, which are DNA markers.

“Few studies have looked at how losing a loved one at different stages of life affects these DNA markers, especially in study samples that represent the U.S. population,” said Allison Aiello, PhD, the James S. Jackson professor of health longevity in epidemiology and the study’s lead author. 

“Our study shows strong links between losing loved ones across the life course from childhood to adulthood and faster biological aging in the U.S.”

The research, which was conducted in collaboration with the Carolina Population Center at UNC Chapel Hill, suggests that the effects of loss on aging manifest well before middle age and may contribute to health disparities among different racial and ethnic groups. 

Focus of the study

The researchers analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, which began in 1994-95. This study has tracked participants from adolescence into adulthood.

To assess familial loss during childhood or adolescence, Aiello and her colleagues followed participants through several data collection waves. The initial wave surveyed 20,745 adolescents aged 12-19, with follow-ups continuing through Wave V, which took place from 2016 to 2018. 

In the latest wave, around 4,500 participants provided blood samples for DNA testing to measure biological aging markers.

The researchers examined losses experienced up to age 18 (childhood or adolescence) and from ages 19 to 43 (adulthood). They also considered the cumulative number of losses. 

Biological aging was evaluated using epigenetic clocks, including the DunedinPACE clock, developed by Aiello’s Aging Center colleague Dan Belsky and collaborators at Duke University.

Effects of losing loved ones

The study revealed that nearly 40 percent of participants experienced at least one significant loss in adulthood between the ages of 33 and 43. Loss of a parent was more common during adulthood (27 percent) compared to childhood and adolescence (6 percent). 

Notably, a higher proportion of Black (57 percent) and Hispanic (41 percent) participants reported experiencing at least one loss compared to White participants (34 percent).

Those who experienced two or more losses showed signs of accelerated biological aging according to multiple epigenetic clocks. The study highlighted that experiencing multiple losses in adulthood was more closely associated with accelerated biological aging than experiencing just one or no losses.

Some stages of life are more vulnerable 

“The connection between losing loved ones and health problems throughout life is well-established,” Aiello said. “But some stages of life might be more vulnerable to the health risks associated with loss, and the accumulation of loss appears to be a significant factor.”

The study emphasizes that loss during any life stage can have profound health implications. However, losses during critical developmental periods, such as childhood or early adulthood, may have more severe consequences. 

The trauma from losing a close family member can lead to mental health issues, cognitive problems, increased risk of heart disease, and a higher likelihood of premature death.

Losing loved ones during formative years 

Aiello and her co-authors stress that while loss at any age can have enduring health impacts, the consequences may be more pronounced during formative years. 

“We still don’t fully understand how loss leads to poor health and higher mortality, but biological aging may be one mechanism as suggested in our study,” said Aiello.

“Future research should focus on finding ways to reduce disproportionate losses among vulnerable groups. For those who experience loss, providing resources for coping and addressing the trauma is essential.”

The findings underscore the need for comprehensive support systems to help individuals cope with significant losses, aiming to mitigate the adverse health effects associated with accelerated biological aging. This study provides critical insights into the intersection of psychological trauma, aging, and public health.

The research is published in the journal JAMA Network Open.


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