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Planet Mercury is covered with 9-mile thick layer of diamonds

Beneath the skin of Mercury, the smallest planet in our solar system, expect the unexpected. Reaching out across the cosmos with this fascinating revelation is a new study that points to a 9-mile-thick layer of diamonds concealed beneath the planet’s surface.

While instance of such valuable encrustation might sound tantalizing, turning these precious stones into fashionable jewelry remains an impossibility due to their inaccessible location deep within the planet.

However, these gems could hold the key to unraveling some of the big unanswered questions circling around Mercury’ composition and its rather curious magnetic field.

The scientist leading the charge is Yanhao Lin, a staff scientist based out of the Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research in Beijing.

Mercury’s hidden diamond

Oddly enough, for a planet its size, Mercury has a magnetic field. It is weaker than its Earth counterpart, but is still intriguing considering the planet’s overall inactivity in geological terms.

What truly sparked Lin’s interest, however, were the unusually dark patches on the surface of Mercury that were identified as graphite by NASA’s Messenger mission.

This revelation triggered exploration into the possibility of something unique brewing within the planet‘s interior.

Birth of Mercury’s diamond layer

Utilizing a team comprised of Chinese and Belgian researchers, Lin sought to explore the possibility of diamond formation deep in Mercury’s core.

The team began by creating chemical mixtures that replicated Mercury’s magma ocean. The concoction included iron, silica, and carbon, elements similar to certain kinds of meteorites, and was subjected to crushing pressures and extreme temperatures.

The team’s rigorous experiments and computer simulations confirmed that Mercury’s mantle would indeed be conducive to forming diamonds, especially under the revised conditions that the team established.

If these diamonds do exist, they could form a 9-mile average thick layer at the core-mantle boundary of Mercury, which is approximately 300 miles below the surface.

Mercury’s magnetism

The hypothesized existence of this layer of diamonds is more than just an intriguing fact. It could potentially explain the origin of Mercury’s magnetic field.

These diamonds may facilitate heat transfer between the core and mantle, thereby creating temperature differences and causing liquid iron to circulate – a process that would kickstart the creation of a magnetic field.

Implications for future research

The discovery of a potential diamond layer within Mercury opens new avenues for planetary research and composition studies not only of Mercury but also of other celestial bodies.

Understanding the unique geological characteristics of Mercury could provide deeper insight into the formation and evolution of the solar system.

Future missions to Mercury may focus on directly exploring its interior structure through advanced geophysical measurements and remote sensing techniques to verify the existence of this diamond layer and its impact on the planet’s magnetic field.

Planetary formation and Mercury’s diamonds

This revelation also prompts a reconsideration of the processes involved in planetary formation.

Diamonds are typically associated with high-pressure environments, suggesting that similar conditions may exist in other distant rocky exoplanets and moons within our solar system.

Lin and his team’s findings underline the importance of studying extreme planetary conditions, which can reveal not only the composition of these bodies but also the historical processes that formed them, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of geology across the cosmos.

Evolution of exoplanets

The potential discovery casts a new light on the evolution of carbon-rich exoplanets. According to Lin, the process that led to the formation of a diamond layer on Mercury could also be at play on other planets, possibly leaving similar traces.

The arrival of the BepiColombo spacecraft, a joint mission of the European Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, in 2025 will provide better opportunities to delve deeper into this intriguing discovery.

Mercury, it seems, continues to dazzle us with new surprises, keeping the scientific community and general public on their toes.

Who’d have thought that this small, seemingly quiet planet could hold such vast volumes of precious stones deep within its confines?

The study is published in the journal Nature Communications.


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