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Kids in hunter-gatherer stone age societies had better parenting than modern children

A recent study led by Dr. Nikhil Chaudhary, an evolutionary anthropologist at Cambridge University, sheds new light on the importance of sensitive care and personal attention in early childhood development. This research, drawing from the practices of contemporary hunter-gatherer societies, suggests that infants and toddlers are psychologically wired to thrive with high levels of attentive care.

Kids in hunter-gatherer societies

The study was conducted among the Mbendjele BaYaka hunter-gatherers in the Republic of Congo. Their infants receive an astonishing nine hours of attentive care daily from up to 15 different caregivers.

Dr. Chaudhary and his colleague Dr. Salali, along with child psychiatrist Dr. Annie Swanepoel, observed that this extensive network of caregivers significantly aids in the child’s development.

Dr. Chaudhary emphasized the evolutionary context of these findings. He stated, “For more than 95% of our evolutionary history, we lived as hunter-gatherers.”

This historical perspective suggests that the nuclear family system prevalent in Western societies is a stark contrast to the communal approach to childcare.

However, Dr. Chaudhary also cautions against oversimplifying these findings. He also noted the flexibility in human psychology and the ongoing debate about the most suitable childrearing practices.

Hunter-gatherer vs. modern childcare

Their research argues for the prioritization of high-quality childcare in Western countries. The scientists emphasize the need for higher caregiver-to-child ratios and stable key caregivers.

The research suggests that children are evolutionarily primed to expect high levels of care, as found in hunter-gatherer societies. This caregiving comes not only from their biological parents, but also from a broader network of caregivers.

The researchers highlight that support for mothers has wide-reaching benefits. These include reducing the risk of neglect and abuse, buffering against family adversity, and enhancing maternal wellbeing.

Dr. Swanepoel noted, “Support for mothers…enhances maternal care,” underlining the interconnected nature of maternal and child health.

Learning from young caregivers

An interesting finding of the hunter-gatherer study is the active involvement of older children and adolescents in infant care within these societies. This involvement not only supports mothers but also provides valuable caregiving experience to the young caregivers, potentially easing their transition to parenthood in the future.

Dr. Chaudhary points out that the nuclear family system puts unprecedented pressure on parents, often lacking the communal support observed in hunter-gatherer societies. He calls for a reevaluation of childcare policies, critiquing the focus on using childcare primarily to enable parents to work, rather than as a means to provide genuine rest and support.

Concerns over caregiver stability

The study also touches on the potential negative impact of unstable caregiver relationships in Western childcare settings. The staffing crisis and reliance on agency staff in many nurseries pose risks to children’s emotional and cognitive development.

Dr. Chaudhary concludes by emphasizing the need for a collective approach to supporting mothers and children. “As a society, from policy makers to employers to healthcare services, we need to work together to ensure mothers and children receive the support and care they need to thrive,” he says, urging a rethinking of childcare not just as a government priority but as a societal one.

More about hunter-gatherer society

Hunter-gatherer societies, which have existed for most of human history, provide a unique window into the ways our prehistoric ancestors lived and interacted with their environment. These societies are characterized by a nomadic lifestyle, with a focus on gathering plants, hunting animals, and fishing for sustenance.

Lifestyle and social structure

Hunter-gatherers typically lead nomadic or semi-nomadic lives, moving within their environment to follow seasonal food sources. They live in small, mobile groups, often referred to as bands, comprising several families.

These societies are usually egalitarian, with minimal hierarchical structure. Decision-making often occurs through consensus, and there is a strong emphasis on sharing and cooperation.

Subsistence and diet

The subsistence strategies of hunter-gatherer groups depend largely on their environment. In forested areas, gathering fruits, nuts, and roots plays a significant role, while in arid regions, hunting is often more predominant. Coastal communities rely heavily on fishing. The diet in hunter-gatherer societies is typically varied and nutritionally rich, often more so than in agricultural societies.

Cultural and spiritual beliefs

Hunter-gatherers generally have rich cultural traditions and spiritual beliefs, often closely tied to the natural world. They typically hold a deep respect for the animals and plants they depend on, and many groups have complex rituals and stories relating to hunting and the cycles of nature.

Tools and technology

Despite a common misconception, hunter-gatherers use a variety of sophisticated tools and technologies. These may include specialized hunting weapons, such as bows and arrows or fishing spears, as well as tools for preparing food, making clothing, and constructing shelters.

Impact of modernization

In the modern world, many hunter-gatherer societies face challenges from encroaching agricultural and industrial societies. Issues include loss of traditional lands, environmental degradation, and cultural assimilation. However, some groups have managed to maintain their traditional lifestyles, often adapting creatively to the changing world.

In summary, hunter-gatherer societies offer a glimpse into a way of life that has been integral to human history. They remind us of the diverse ways humans have adapted to and interacted with their environments. Understanding these societies is crucial, not only for anthropological study but also for appreciating the variety of human cultural and social structures.

The full study was published in the journal Developmental Psychology.

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