Fungal disease threatens banana production in Africa

Fungal disease threatens banana production in Africa

Currently, bananas are the most popular fruits worldwide, with the global banana trade skyrocketing in recent years. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 21 million metric tons of bananas were exported in 2019 alone. 

However, the most traded variety at the moment – the Cavendish banana – is highly susceptible to a devastating fungal disease called the Fusarium wilt of banana (FWB), caused by the strain known as the Tropical Race 4 (TR4). 

This disease has been spreading globally since the 1960s, and eventually infiltrated Africa a decade ago, being reported in Mozambique on two commercial banana farms in 2013. Since no evidence of TR4 infestation has been found outside of these farms in 2015, scientists believed that the disease has been successfully contained.

However, a team of researchers led by the Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and Utrecht University has recently confirmed the presence of TR4 beyond the two farms, suggesting that it currently spreads uncontrollably in Mozambique. This alarming finding demonstrates the failure of previous management methods and highlights the need for immediate action to protect banana production, and thus the livelihoods of millions of people in Africa.

The experts collected fungal samples from 13 symptomatic banana plants found throughout northern Mozambique, and used molecular diagnostics and greenhouse pathogenicity assays to test them for the disease. Since all samples tested positive for TR4, the scientists investigated the genetic variation and potential origin of this strain in Mozambique. The analysis revealed very little genetic variation, suggesting that TR4 is spreading clonally.

“Likely the cultivation of Cavendish bananas – a banana variety that stopped the previous epidemic affecting Gros Michel bananas in the 1950s – is now a vehicle for worldwide dissemination, as global banana cultivation is dominated by the highly susceptible Cavendish clones. Moreover, there is a lot of trafficking in the banana world. Mobile working crews, international labor hires, and many of these workers and their managers are unaware of the danger of fungal diseases,” explained study corresponding authors Gert H.J. Kema, an expert in Phytopathology at WUR, and Michael F. Seidl, an associate professor of Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics at Utrecht.

Since there are still major knowledge gaps hindering the successful containment of this unruly fungus, this worrisome situation requires further action, research, and transparent data-sharing to implement efficient management strategies, such as generating and releasing genetically diverse and resistant germplasm for banana growers in Africa.

The study is published in the journal Plant Disease.

Significance of bananas 

Bananas are important for several reasons, including their nutritional value, economic impact, and cultural significance.

Nutritional value

Bananas are a good source of essential nutrients, such as vitamins (notably vitamin C, vitamin B6, and some B-vitamins), minerals (potassium, manganese, and magnesium), and dietary fiber. They are low in calories, fat, and protein, making them a healthy snack option. 

The potassium content in bananas contributes to maintaining proper heart and muscle function, while the vitamin C content aids in immune system function and tissue repair.

Economic impact

Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits globally and are an important agricultural commodity. They provide income and employment opportunities to millions of people, especially in developing countries in the tropics where they are grown. 

The banana industry has an extensive global trade network, with major exporters including countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia.

Cultural significance

Bananas have been an integral part of various cultures and cuisines for thousands of years. They are used in both sweet and savory dishes and can be consumed in various forms, such as fresh, dried, or cooked. 

In some cultures, the banana plant itself holds symbolic value, and its leaves are used for traditional cooking methods, decorations, and religious ceremonies.

Environmental impact

Bananas are generally considered a sustainable crop, as they can be grown with relatively low inputs and are often cultivated in mixed farming systems alongside other crops. 

However, there are concerns about the environmental impacts of large-scale banana monoculture plantations, which can lead to deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and heavy use of agrochemicals. Efforts are being made to promote sustainable banana farming practices to mitigate these issues.

Fruit disease and climate change 

Fruit diseases and climate change are closely related, as changes in climate can have significant impacts on the prevalence and distribution of plant diseases. As global temperatures rise and precipitation patterns shift, the following consequences can be observed in relation to fruit diseases:

Altered distribution of pests and pathogens

Warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation can enable pests and pathogens to expand their geographic ranges. This can introduce diseases to new regions where fruit crops have not previously been exposed, potentially leading to more severe outbreaks.

Changes in disease dynamics

Higher temperatures and humidity can promote the growth and reproduction of pathogens, as well as increase the duration and intensity of disease outbreaks. This can result in higher incidences of fruit diseases and a greater need for disease management strategies.

Impacts on host resistance

Climate change can cause stress to fruit crops, making them more susceptible to diseases. For example, drought can weaken a plant’s immune system, while warmer temperatures can lead to changes in plant physiology that make it more vulnerable to infection.

Effects on disease management

As climate change alters the distribution and severity of fruit diseases, farmers may need to modify their disease management strategies. This could include adopting new cultivars with improved resistance to pathogens, adjusting planting dates, and employing more targeted and sustainable pest and disease control methods.

In summary, climate change has the potential to significantly impact the prevalence and distribution of fruit diseases, making them an important area of concern for agriculture and food security. Adaptation and mitigation strategies, such as the development of disease-resistant varieties and the implementation of integrated pest management, are crucial to address these challenges.

By Andrei Ionescu, Staff Writer

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