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Fastest-spinning magnetar reveals secrets of neutron stars

Magnetars are among the most enigmatic objects in the cosmos, captivating astronomers with their immense magnetic fields and mysterious origins.

Recent discoveries in this field have provided new insights into these rare neutron stars, deepening our understanding of their evolution.

One such discovery is Swift J1818.0-1607, an exceptionally young magnetar that offers a unique glimpse into the early stages of these cosmic giants.

The fascinating study sheds light on how magnetars differ from their pulsar counterparts, opening new avenues of exploration in the field of astronomy.

A cosmic lighthouse

Imagine a high-mass star, collapsing and bursting into a supernova. What’s left behind is a superdense neutron star.

Sometimes these neutron stars, under intense forces, begin spinning rapidly, casting out beams of light akin to a lighthouse. When these beams are lined up so that they are visible from Earth, they become known as pulsars.

Yet, not all neutron stars follow this path. Some evolve into another cosmic prodigy – the magnetar. These are neutron stars that spin rapidly like pulsars but have a magnetic field thousands of times stronger.

The scale is phenomenal – magnetars carry about twice the mass of our sun confined into a size equivalent to that of a city.

Decoding the magnetar’s secrets

A study led by Hao Ding of the Mizusawa VLBI Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, is shedding new light on these cosmic enigmas.

The team used the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s (NRAO) Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) to examine a recently discovered magnetar, Swift J1818.0-1607.

The magnetar Swift J1818.0-1607 is located in the constellation Sagittarius, on the other side of the central galactic bulge of the Milky Way galaxy.

The magnetar is a mere 22,000 light-years away, a relative stone’s throw in cosmic terms. This proximity allows experts to use the parallax method to pinpoint its exact three-dimensional location within the galaxy.

The birth and life of magnetars

Swift J1818.0-1607 is intriguing for numerous reasons. Most notably, it is the youngest and fastest-spinning magnetar known to date.

Being only a few hundred years old and spinning with a period of 1.36 seconds, it offers a unique glimpse into the early life of such cosmic behemoths.

Bright X-ray emissions are a trademark of magnetars, implying extremely high energy outflows. The powerful decay of the magnetar’s intense magnetic field seems to be the only plausible explanation to justify such energy.

“Magnetars are very young, because they cannot continue giving off energy at this rate for very long,” Ding explains. “Swift J1818.0-1607, as the youngest known magnetar, offers us a unique perspective. But this process, too, is extreme.”

Exploring the velocity of magnetars

The study provides remarkable insights into Swift J1818.0-1607’s velocity. Radial velocity refers to how fast it moves within the galaxy radius, while the transverse velocity describes motion perpendicular to the galaxy plane.

The astronomers successfully identified Swift J1818.0-1607’s transverse velocity as the smallest ever recorded amongst magnetars.

This evidence adds credibility to the theory that magnetars may not form under the same conditions as young pulsars, implying more exotic formation processes for these cosmic phenomenons.

“We need to know how fast the magnetar was moving when it was just born,” said Ding. “The formation mechanism of magnetars is still a mystery we would like to understand.”

Unlocking the secrets of the universe

The study of Swift J1818.0-1607 not only enhances our understanding of magnetars but also paves the way for a deeper comprehension of fundamental astrophysical phenomena.

As researchers continue to investigate such young cosmic objects, the insights may ultimately shed light on the processes governing stellar evolution and the life cycles of neutron stars.

Moreover, understanding the unique characteristics of magnetars could significantly impact theories surrounding gravity, magnetism, and the very fabric of spacetime.

As the field progresses, these discoveries will undoubtedly provoke new questions, highlighting the intricate complexities of our universe and driving the relentless pursuit of knowledge in astronomy.

The study is published in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.


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