Ecuador’s Red-faced Parrot gets a new home

Ecuador’s Red-faced Parrot gets a new home

Tucked into the highlands of southern Ecuador, a new nature reserve has just been established in Selva Alegre to protect an endangered bird, the Red-faced Parrot.

With fewer than 2,400 individuals left in the wild, these rare parrots now have a dedicated sanctuary where they can thrive.

The newly established Ecuador Ridgely Reserve goes beyond protecting a single species – it contributes to restoring vital ecosystems and enhancing the well-being of nearby communities.

This initiative is the result of efforts by scientists from the American Bird Conservancy (ABC), Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco, and Rainforest Trust.

Together with support from the Conserva Aves initiative, the Ridgely Reserve was established to preserve vital habitat in the Chilla Mountain Range, near the city of Saraguro in the province of Loja.

Protection for the Red-faced Parrot

The Red-faced Parrot is one of the rarest parrots in the world. It depends on the unique climate and biodiversity of tropical high-elevation forests to survive.

“The Red-faced Parrot is a very rare Neotropical species whose habitat is restricted to montane cloud forests of southern Ecuador and adjacent northern Peru,” said Marcelo F. Tognelli, international project officer at ABC.

“Unfortunately, deforestation and habitat loss have been contributing to its rapid decline. The creation of the Ridgley Reserve in southern Ecuador will help ensure this endangered species thrives by improving habitat connectivity, while also providing a healthier environment for local communities.”

The reserve spans 518 acres (210 hectares) and is expected to expand to 1,388 acres (500 hectares). It lies along a mix of high Andean and stunted forest terrain, gradually giving way to Páramo grasslands, pine stands, eucalyptus groves, and areas affected by grazing and agriculture.

Though the area has not been extensively surveyed, over 90 bird species have already been recorded. The Red-faced Parrot has been consistently observed there since the mid-1990s, making it the most reliable site for seeing this elusive bird.

A conservation legacy

The Ridgely Reserve honors the work of Dr. Robert Ridgely, a renowned ornithologist and longtime advocate for bird conservation. His decades of travel and field research in South America helped document countless bird species and inspired conservation projects across the continent.

Through his collaboration with local communities, he also trained local monitors to track migratory birds – laying the foundation for sustainable protection efforts that continue today.

“Bob Ridgely and all the other founders of Jocotoco have created a remarkable legacy by establishing our reserves, founding the Jocotoco Foundation, and expanding our protected areas across Ecuador,” said Martin Schaefer, CEO of Jocotoco.

“Today, we can see how that legacy has flourished, with the Ridgely Reserve in southern Ecuador serving as a prime example.”

“This new sanctuary in Selva Alegre, home to the world’s largest known population of the endangered Red-faced Parrot, shows our commitment to safeguarding Ecuador’s incredible biodiversity.”

The reserve also represents a personal milestone for Dr. Ridgely’s conservation work. James Deutsch, CEO of Rainforest Trust, noted that Dr. Ridgely has committed his life to conserving Ecuador’s biodiversity, and it is so fitting that his name will grace the newest reserve established and managed by the Ecuadorian NGO he founded.

Reconnecting fragmented forests

In the last 30 years, southern Ecuador has seen extensive deforestation. Forest has been cleared for agriculture and cattle grazing, and these activities now occupy nearly half of Selva Alegre.

This fragmentation has had a severe effect on biodiversity, especially on species such as the Red-faced Parrot that are extremely sensitive to habitat disturbance.

Consequently, the bird was recently uplisted from “Least Concern” to “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List. Habitat loss and fragmentation have rendered its survival more doubtful.

The establishment of the Ridgely Reserve solves these issues at the source by reconnecting forest fragments, rehabilitating degraded land, and providing space for the parrot and other species to heal.

Supporting people and nature

Ecuador, a country roughly the size of Colorado, is home to nearly 1,600 bird species – twice the number found in the United States. This extraordinary biodiversity highlights the urgency of conservation efforts in the region.

The Ridgely Reserve not only protects birds, but also supports human communities. It helps preserve clean water sources, stabilize soils to prevent landslides, and maintain the health of ecosystems that local people depend on for farming and daily life.

Jocotoco, which has led many of these efforts, has become a key player in conservation and nature-based tourism in Ecuador.

The organization continues to expand its network of protected areas across the country. Jocotoco and the Rainforest Trust have collaborated on 14 conservation projects covering over 63,000 acres, with more in progress.

A movement for the Red-faced Parrot

This new reserve is also part of the broader Conserva Aves initiative. Led by ABC, the National Audubon Society, the ultimate goal is to create 100 new subnational protected areas across Latin America and the Caribbean, protecting at least 4.9 million acres in total.

For ABC, creating protected areas has been central to its mission for 30 years. Working with local partners and communities, ABC has helped protect over 1.1 million acres in more than 100 reserves across 15 countries, benefiting thousands of bird species.

As conservation challenges grow more urgent, efforts like these demonstrate what’s possible when organizations and communities work together to protect both nature and people.

The Ridgely Reserve is more than just a name – it’s a promise to future generations that rare species like the Red-faced Parrot will have a fighting chance.


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