Bronze Age technology is a modern solution for clean energy

Bronze Age technology is a modern solution for clean energy

An ancient method of heat storage may hold the key to a sustainable future in clean energy, according to a recent study.

This ingenious technology, dating back to the Bronze Age, could offer an efficient and cost-effective way to achieve the United Nations’ climate goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.

Clean energy storage with firebricks

The technique in question involves the use of specially assembled heat-absorbing bricks known as firebricks.

These bricks are stacked in an insulated container, storing heat generated by solar or wind power at temperatures required for industrial processes.

The reserved heat can be released when necessary by allowing air to flow through channels in the firebrick stacks.

It’s a simple yet potent solution that permits industries like cement, steel, glass, and paper manufacturers to function on renewable energy when wind and sunlight aren’t available. This technique would allow for a seamless switch to cleaner energy sources.

This concept of thermal energy storage is not entirely new and several companies have already begun commercializing it for industrial heat storage.

Bronze Age technology

The firebricks used are crafted from similar materials that lined the kilns and furnaces in the primitive age. The real innovation lies in the combination and proportion of these materials, optimized to store heat effectively instead of merely insulating.

While traditional batteries store electricity from renewable sources and produce heat on demand, firebricks offer a unique advantage.

Study lead author Mark Z. Jacobson is a professor of civil and environmental engineering in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability and School of Engineering.

“The difference between firebrick storage and battery storage is that the firebricks store heat rather than electricity and are one-tenth the cost of batteries. The materials are simple too, basically just the components of dirt,” noted Jacobson.

Most industrial processes require high-temperature heat. For instance, cement production requires temperatures of at least 1,300 degrees Celsius, while glass, iron, and steelmaking need 1,000 degrees Celsius or higher.

Around 17% of all global carbon dioxide emissions could be traced back to the burning of fossil fuels for producing heat for these industrial processes.

Therefore, generating industrial heat from renewable sources could significantly reduce these emissions.

Optimizing energy storage

Focusing on storing energy in the form that is closest to its end use can minimize conversion inefficiencies.

The concept is as straightforward as storing hot water for hot showers and ice for cold drinks. In this case, the study suggested: “If you need heat for industry, store it in firebricks.”

The researchers explored the impact of using firebricks to store most of the industrial heat in a futuristic scenario where every country has shifted to renewable energy sources like wind, geothermal, hydropower, and solar.

The research revealed that firebricks could expedite this transition at a lower cost, creating benefits for health, climate, jobs, and energy security.

A cleaner future with clean energy

In addition to benefiting the environment, accelerating the transition to clean energy also positively impacts human health.

Previous studies have revealed that pollution from burning fossil fuels causes millions of premature deaths each year.

“Every bit of combustion fuels we replace with electricity reduces that air pollution,” said Jacobson, indicating the urgent need to find cost-effective ways to hasten this transition.

Enlivened by a desire to discover effective, rapid solutions, Jacobson turned his attention to firebricks. He believes that a cost-saving approach would be embraced more readily and hence, expedite the world’s transition to cleaner renewables.

The potential impact of this Bronze Age technology is vast, promising substantial benefits at low costs, from reducing air-pollution mortality to facilitating a smoother shift to clean energy.

Modern innovations with ancient techniques

As we explore the potential of firebricks, it’s essential to leverage modern technology to enhance these ancient techniques. Innovations like advanced composites and nano-coatings can improve heat storage efficiency.

Integrating smart technologies, such as IoT sensors and AI algorithms, can optimize thermal energy systems.

For example, smart sensors can monitor temperatures in real-time, ensuring efficient heat storage and release. This data-driven approach enables manufacturers to align production with renewable energy availability.

Educating industry stakeholders and demonstrating the benefits of firebrick technology through workshops and pilot programs can encourage adoption, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern solutions for a cleaner, sustainable future.

The study is published in the journal PNAS Nexus.


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