Bees prefer flowers with large bullseyes

Bees prefer flowers with large bullseyes

A new study reveals that bees and other pollinators are not just attracted to colorful petals or the sweet scent of nectar. The hidden bullseyes in the flower pattern play a significant role in attracting bees.

Hibiscus flowers, for instance, possess an invisible pre-pattern during the early stages of petal formation. This blueprint dictates the size of their bullseyes, a feature that directly impacts their attractiveness to pollinators.

Bees and flower patterns

Researchers at the University of Cambridge‘s Sainsbury Laboratory have unearthed some compelling findings. It turns out, bees are quite choosy.

Bees have a clear preference for larger bullseyes and buzz faster towards artificial flower discs with larger bullseyes. This preference may enhance the efficiency of both bees and blossoms.

Hidden patterns: The making of bullseyes

The researchers ventured into the mysterious world of petal designs. Using a small hibiscus plant as a model, they compared closely related plants with identical flower sizes but differently sized bullseyes.

Dr. Edwige Moyroud, a leading researcher at the Sainsbury Laboratory, has been studying the mechanisms underlying pattern formation in petals. She noted that a pre-pattern sets up on the petal surface early in the flower’s formation, long before any visible color shows up on the petal.

Evolution of bullseye patterns

Study lead author Dr. Lucie Riglet further investigated how these bullseye patterns form and evolve. She discovered that the pre-pattern begins as a small, crescent-shaped region, even before the bullseye is visible on tiny petals that are less than 0.2mm in size.

“At the earliest stage we could dissect, the petals have around 700 cells and are still greenish in color, with no visible purple pigment and no difference in cell shape or size,” noted Dr. Riglet.

“When the petal further develops to 4,000 cells, it still does not have any visible pigment, but we identified a specific region where the cells were larger than their surrounding neighbors. This is the pre-pattern.” 

The cells that Dr Riglet studied are essential as they mark the position of the bullseye boundary, the line on the petal where the color changes from purple to white. And what happens without a boundary? No bullseye.

Dr. Argyris Zardilis developed a computational model that delivered additional insights. These models showed that hibiscus can change bullseye dimensions very early during the pre-patterning phase by adjusting cell expansion or division later in development.

Flower patterns from a bee’s perspective

Dr. Riglet explored the impact of the bullseye patterns on pollinators, using artificial flower discs that mimic the dimensions of the three different bullseyes.

“The bees not only preferred the medium and larger bullseyes over the small bullseye, they were also 25% quicker visiting these larger flower discs,” said Dr. Riglet.

“Foraging requires a lot of energy and so if a bee can visit 4 flowers rather than 3 flowers in the same time, then this is probably beneficial for the bee, and also the plants.”

These pre-pattern strategies in flowers could have deep evolutionary roots, possibly influencing the diversity of flower patterns across different species.

The research team, led by Dr. Edwige Moyroud, continues to dig into the signals that generate these early patterns and explore similar pre-patterning mechanisms in other plant organs.

Implications for agriculture

The newfound understanding of bullseye patterns’ impact on pollinator behavior holds significant implications for both conservation and agriculture.

Enhancing our knowledge of these floral designs can aid in developing strategies to bolster pollinator visits, which is vital for the success of crops reliant on pollination.

By aligning agricultural practices with these insights, farmers could potentially boost yields by modifying or selecting plant varieties with optimal bullseye patterns that are more attractive to pollinators, thereby improving pollination efficiency and crop production.

Future research into bullseye patterns

The scope of research into bullseye patterns is set to expand, opening new avenues for discovery. Future studies may explore the genetic underpinnings that determine the formation and variability of these patterns in different floral species.

Unraveling the genetic and environmental factors that modulate bullseye dimensions can lead to unprecedented insights into plant-pollinator coevolution.

Furthermore, exploring the application of computational models across diverse plant species could unveil universal principles of pattern formation, informing not only botanical science but also biomimetic design in technology and art.

Bees, bullseyes, and biodiversity

This research not only advances our understanding of plant biology but also reinforces the intricate bonds between plants and their environments.

The precision of natural designs plays a crucial role in species survival and evolution. The H. trionum, for example, with larger bullseye sizes, possibly attracts more pollinators, enhancing its reproductive success.

So, the next time you admire a flower, remember there’s more to it than meets the eye. Beneath the surface beauty, there’s a world of complex, precise patterns – nature’s very own masterpiece.

The study is published in the journal Science Advances.


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