Succinea chittenangoensis -

Succinea chittenangoensis

Succinea chittenangoensis NatureServe Explorer Species Reports — NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network.

ITIS Reports — Succinea chittenangoensis ITIS (the Integrated Taxonomic Information System) is a source for authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world. North America is a continent entirely within the Northern Hemisphere and almost all within the Western Hemisphere. It can also be described as the northern subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea, and to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean. Because it is on the North American Tectonic Plate, Greenland is included as part of North America geographically. North America covers an area of about 24,709,000 square kilometers (9,540,000 square miles), about 16.5% of the Earth’s land area and about 4.8% of its total surface. North America is the third-largest continent by area, following Asia and Africa, and the fourth by population after Asia, Africa, and Europe. In 2013

FWS Digital Media Library — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Digital Library is a searchable collection of selected images, historical artifacts, audio clips, publications, and video.

Detailed information
Full Name: Chittenango Ovate Amber snail (Succinea chittenangoensis)
Where found: Wherever found
Critical Habitat:N/A
Species Group:Snails
Current listing status
Status Date Listed Lead Region Where Listed
Threatened 08/02/1978 Northeast Region (Region 5) Wherever found
  • States/US Territories in which the Chittenango Ovate Amber snail, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur: New York
  • US Counties in which the Chittenango Ovate Amber snail, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur: View All
Federal register documents
Citation Page
08/04/2010 75 FR 47025 47026 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of Five Listed Species: Delmarva Peninsula Fox Squirrel, Northeastern Bulrush, Furbish Lousewort, Chittenango Ovate Amber Snail, and Virginia Round-Leaf Birch
08/21/2006 71 FR 48554 48555 Recovery Plan for the Chittenango Ovate Amber Snail
07/06/2005 70 FR 38976 Initiation of a 5-Year Review of 5 Listed Species: The Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus), Delmarva Peninsula Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus), Northeastern Bulrush (Scirpus ancistrochaetus), Chittenango Ovate Amber Snail (Succinea chittenangoensis), and Virginia Round-Leaf Birch (Betula uber)
12/05/2003 68 FR 68102 68103 Notice of Availability of a Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Chittenango Ovate Amber Snail for Review and Comment
07/03/1978 43 FR 28932 28935 Final Determination that Seven Eastern U.S. Land Snails are Endangered or Threatened Species
04/28/1976 41 FR 17742 17747 Proposed Endangered or Threatened Status for 32 U.S. Snails [Proposed 15 as E/17 T]; 41 FR 17742 17747 (Amargosa snail, Fontellicella micrococcus; Ash Meadows turban snail, Fluminicola erythropoma; bad water snail, Assiminea infirma; banded dune snail, Helminthoglypta walkeriana; California Northern River snail, Monadenia setosa; Cheatum's snail, Tryonia cheatumi; Chittenango ovate amber snail, Succinea ovalis chittenangoensis; Clark's Nantahala middle-toothed land snail, Mesodon clarki nantahala; dented peninsula snail, Helminthoglypta arrosa miwoka; Diamond-Y pond snail, Physa virgata bottomeri; flat-spired three-toothed land snail, Triodopsis platysayoides; fraternal snail, Micrarionta feralis; Jone's middle-toothed land snail, Mesodon jonesianus; Karok Indian snail, Vestericola karokarum; MacClintock's discoid land snail, Discus macclintocki; Magazine Mountain middle-toothed land snail, Mesodon magacinenses; Muddy Valley turban snail, Fluminicola avernalis; Nicklin's Peninsula snail, Helminthoglypta nickiniana awania; Pahranagat Valley turban, Fluminicola merriami; painted snake coiled forest snail, Anguispira picta; Pilsbru's narrow apertured land snail, Stanotrema pilsbryi; Reeves County snail, Cochliopa texana; rocky coast snail, Monadenia fidelis pronotis; St. George snail, Amnicola deseria; slug snail, Binneya notabilis; Socorro snail, Amnicola neomexicana; Stock Island tree snail, Orthalicus reses reses; Strange many- whorled land snail, Polygyra peregrina; Tryon's snail, Micrarionta tryoni; Virginia fringed mountain snail, Polugriscus virginianus; White River snail, Tryonia clathraia; Zion canyon snail, Physa zioni)

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