Dromus dromas - Earth.com
Dromus dromas

Dromus dromas

Dromus dromas NatureServe Explorer Species Reports — NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network. This mussel is yellow-green in color with interrupted green rays on the shell. The nacre is white, pink, or reddish. The species got its name from the distinctive hump on the shell of larger individuals

ITIS Reports — Dromus dromas ITIS (the Integrated Taxonomic Information System) is a source for authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.

FWS Digital Media Library — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Digital Library is a searchable collection of selected images, historical artifacts, audio clips, publications, and video. Dromus dromas, the dromedary pearlymussel or dromedary naiad, is a rare species of freshwater mussel in the family Unionidae. This aquatic bivalve mollusk is native to the Cumberland and Tennessee River systems in the United States, where it has experienced a large population decline. It is a federally listed endangered species of the United States.

This species was historically one of the most common mussels in the Tennessee River. Now only old individuals can be found there. The species has been reduced to no more than 4 populations. It has been extirpated from the wild in the state of Alabama, but it has been reintroduced there. The only remaining reproducing populations occur in the Clinch and Powell Rivers. Reproducing populations remain in under 10% of the mussel’s historical range, and the populations are disjunct.

Factors contributing to its decline include the impoundment of waterways, increased silt, and pollution from sewage, coalThis species lives in clear, clean, fast-flowing water. It cannot tolerate water of poor quality, for example, water with silt.

Detailed information
Full Name: Dromedary pearlymussel (Dromus dromas)
Where found: U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a))
Critical Habitat:N/A
Species Group:Clams
Current listing status
Status Date Listed Lead Region Where Listed
Endangered 06/14/1976 Southeast Region (Region 4) Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations
Experimental Population, Non-Essential 10/15/2007 Southeast Region (Region 4) U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1))
Experimental Population, Non-Essential 06/14/2001 Southeast Region (Region 4) U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a))
  • Population location: Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental PopulationsListing status: Endangered
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: Alabama , Tennessee , Virginia
    • US Counties in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: View All
  • Population location: U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1))Listing status: Experimental Population, Non-Essential
  • Population location: U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a))Listing status: Experimental Population, Non-Essential
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: Alabama
    • US Counties in which this population is known to or is believed to occur: View All
Federal register documents
Citation Page
09/13/2007 72 FR 52434 52461 Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population Status for 15 Freshwater Mussels, 1 Freshwater Snail, and 5 Fishes in the Lower French Broad River and in the Lower Holston River, Tennessee
07/28/2006 71 FR 42871 42872 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 5-Year Review of 19 Southeastern Species
06/13/2006 71 FR 34196 34230 Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population Status for 15 Freshwater Mussels, 1 Freshwater Snail, and 5 Fishes in the Lower French Broad River and in the Lower Holston River, Tennessee; Proposed Rule
08/21/2001 66 FR 43808 43809 ETWP; Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population Status for 16 Freshwater Mussels and 1 Freshwater Snail (Anthony's Riversnail) in the Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL; Correction
06/14/2001 66 FR 32250 32264 ETWP; Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population Status for 16 Freshwater Mussels and 1 Freshwater Snail (Anthony's Riversnail) in the Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL
05/27/1999 64 FR 28779 28791 ETWP; Proposed Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population Status for Sixteen Freshwater Mussels (Alabama
06/14/1976 41 FR 24062 24067 Endangered Status for 159 Taxa of Animals; 41 FR 24062 24067
09/26/1975 40 FR 44392 44333 CITES: Proposed Endangered Status for 216 Species on Convention Appendix I; 40 FR 44392 44333
No critical habitat rules have been published for the Dromedary pearlymussel.
Plan Action Status
Plan Status
07/09/1984 Dromedary Pearly Mussel View Implementation Progress Final
Citation Page
06/14/2001 66 FR 32250 32264 ETWP; Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population Status for 16 Freshwater Mussels and 1 Freshwater Snail (Anthony's Riversnail) in the Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL
Plan Action Status
Plan Status
07/09/1984 Dromedary Pearly Mussel View Implementation Progress Final
Citation Page
Document Type
07/28/2006 71 FR 42871 42872 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 5-Year Review of 19 Southeastern Species
  • Notice 5-year Review, Initiation

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