Dipodomys merriami parvus - Earth.com

Dipodomys merriami parvus

Dipodomys merriami parvus NatureServe Explorer Species Reports — NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network.

ITIS Reports — ITIS (the Integrated Taxonomic Information System) is a source for authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.

FWS Digital Media Library — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Digital Library is a searchable collection of selected images, historical artifacts, audio clips, publications, and video. The San Bernardino kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus) is a species of rodent in the family Heteromyidae. It is one of 19 recognized subspecies of Merriam’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami) that are spread throughout the arid regions of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Like Dipodomys merriami, the San Bernardino kangaroo rat has the diagnostic trait of having four toes on its hind legs. Additionally, because of its geographic isolation, it has become the most highly differentiated subspecies of D. merriami. D. m. parvus is substantially darker and smaller than the other two D. merriami subspecies that live in Southern California (Dipodomys merriami merriami and Dipodomys merriami collinus). This marked adaptation to its habitat has led Lidicker to say that “it seems likely to have achieved nearly species rank.” (Lidicker 1960)

Detailed information
Full Name: San Bernardino Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus)
Where found: Wherever found
Critical Habitat:N/A
Species Group:Mammals
Current listing status
Status Date Listed Lead Region Where Listed
Endangered 01/27/1998 California/Nevada Region (Region 8) Wherever found
  • States/US Territories in which the San Bernardino Merriam's kangaroo rat, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur: California
  • US Counties in which the San Bernardino Merriam's kangaroo rat, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur: View All
Federal register documents
Citation Page
05/21/2010 75 FR 28636 28642 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 34 Species in California and Nevada; Availability of 96 Completed 5-Year Reviews in California and Nevada
10/17/2008 73 FR 61936 62002 Designation of Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus); Final Rule
04/16/2008 73 FR 20581 20599 Revised Designation of Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus): Proposed rule; reopening of comment period, changes to the proposed critical habitat revision, notice of availability of draft economic analysis, and amended required determinations.
03/05/2008 73 FR 11945 11950 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 58 Species in California and Nevada; Availability of Completed 5-Year Reviews in California, Nevada and Southern Oregon
06/19/2007 72 FR 33808 33842 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revised Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus): Proposed rule.
06/06/2007 72 FR 31338 31339 Walton Development LLC Residential Project, City of Redlands, San Bernardino County, CA
04/23/2002 67 FR 19812 19845 Final Designation of Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat
12/08/2000 65 FR 77178 77208 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat
09/24/1998 63 FR 51005 51017 ETWP; Final Rule To List the San Bernardino kangaroo Rat as Endangered
01/27/1998 63 FR 3835 3843 ETWP; Emergency Rule To List the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat as Endangered
To learn more about critical habitat please see http://ecos.fws.gov/crithab
Citation Page
Document Type
05/21/2010 75 FR 28636 28642 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 34 Species in California and Nevada; Availability of 96 Completed 5-Year Reviews in California and Nevada
  • Notice 5-year Review, Completion
03/05/2008 73 FR 11945 11950 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 58 Species in California and Nevada; Availability of Completed 5-Year Reviews in California, Nevada and Southern Oregon
  • Notice 5-year Review, Initiation
Citation Page
Document Type
05/21/2010 75 FR 28636 28642 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 34 Species in California and Nevada; Availability of 96 Completed 5-Year Reviews in California and Nevada
  • Notice 5-year Review, Completion
03/05/2008 73 FR 11945 11950 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 58 Species in California and Nevada; Availability of Completed 5-Year Reviews in California, Nevada and Southern Oregon
  • Notice 5-year Review, Initiation
08/14/2009 San Bernardino kangaroo rat 5-Year Review
Citation Page
Document Type
10/17/2008 73 FR 61936 62002 Designation of Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus); Final Rule Final Rule Not Required
06/19/2007 72 FR 33808 33842 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revised Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus): Proposed rule. Proposed Rule Not Required
04/23/2002 67 FR 19812 19845 Final Designation of Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat Final Rule Final designated
12/08/2000 65 FR 77178 77208 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat Proposed Rule Not Required

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