Alligator mississippiensis -

Alligator mississippiensis

Alligator mississippiensis NatureServe Explorer Species Reports — NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network.

ITIS Reports — ITIS (the Integrated Taxonomic Information System) is a source for authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.

FWS Digital Media Library — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Digital Library is a searchable collection of selected images, historical artifacts, audio clips, publications, and video.The American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), sometimes referred to colloquially as a gator or common alligator, is a large crocodilian reptile native to the Southeastern United States, with a small population in Mexico. It is one of two extant species in the genus Alligator within the family Alligatoridae; it is larger than the only other living alligator species, the Chinese alligator. Adult male American alligators measure 3.4 to 4.6 m (11.2 to 15.1 ft) in length, and can weigh up to 453 kg (999 lb). Females are smaller, measuring 2.6 to 3 m (8.5 to 9.8 ft) in length. The American alligator inhabits freshwater wetlands, such as marshes and cypress swamps from Tamaulipas in Mexico to southeastern and coastal North Carolina. It is distinguished from the sympatric American crocodile by its broader snout

Detailed information
Full Name: American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
Where found: Wherever found
Critical Habitat:N/A
Species Group:Reptiles
Current listing status
Status Date Listed Lead Region Where Listed
Similarity of Appearance (Threatened) 03/11/1967 Southeast Region (Region 4) Wherever found
  • States/US Territories in which the American alligator, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur: Florida , North Carolina , Oklahoma
  • US Counties in which the American alligator, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur: View All
  • USFWS Refuges in which the American alligator, Wherever found is known to occur: Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge, Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge, Santee National Wildlife Refuge
  • Additional species information
Federal register documents
Citation Page
06/04/1987 52 FR 21059 21064 Reclassification of American Alligator to Thr. Due to Similarity of Appearance Throughout Remainder of its Range; 52 FR 21059-21064
06/02/1986 51 FR 19760 19963 Proposal to Reclassify Legal Status of American Alligator Throughout Remainder of its Range to Thr. Due to Similarity of Appearance; 51 FR 19760-19963
01/09/1986 51 FR 996 999 Findings on Pending Petitions & Description of Progress on Listing Actions; 51 FR 996-999
10/31/1985 50 FR 45407 45409 Special Rule on American Alligator; 50 FR 45407-45409
06/20/1985 50 FR 25672 25678 Reclassification of American Alligator in Florida to Thr. Due to Similarity of Appearance; 50 FR 25672-25678
04/02/1985 50 FR 13054 13055 Notice of Findings on 4 Petitions & of Review of 1 Species; 50 FR 13054- 13055
01/07/1985 50 FR 811 812 Export of American Alligators Taken in 1984-85 Harvest Seasons in Texas; Final Findings of Scientific & Mgmt. Authorities; 50 FR 811-812
10/23/1984 49 FR 42594 42597 Special Rule on American Alligator; 49 FR 42594-42597
06/20/1984 49 FR 25342 25348 Proposal to Reclassify Legal Status of American Alligator in Florida to Similarity of Appearance; 49 FR 25342-25348
10/12/1983 48 FR 46332 46336 Change Status of Amer. Alligator in State of Texas; 48 FR 46332-46336
No critical habitat rules have been published for the American alligator.
Citation Page
Document Type
06/04/1987 52 FR 21059 21064 Reclassification of American Alligator to Thr. Due to Similarity of Appearance Throughout Remainder of its Range; 52 FR 21059-21064
  • Final Delisting, Recovered
  • Final Listing, Similarity of appearance - T
06/02/1986 51 FR 19760 19963 Proposal to Reclassify Legal Status of American Alligator Throughout Remainder of its Range to Thr. Due to Similarity of Appearance; 51 FR 19760-19963
  • Proposed Delisting, Recovered
  • Proposed Listing, Similarity of appearance - T
Citation Page
10/31/1985 50 FR 45407 45409 Special Rule on American Alligator; 50 FR 45407-45409
01/07/1985 50 FR 811 812 Export of American Alligators Taken in 1984-85 Harvest Seasons in Texas; Final Findings of Scientific & Mgmt. Authorities; 50 FR 811-812
10/23/1984 49 FR 42594 42597 Special Rule on American Alligator; 49 FR 42594-42597
12/04/1980 45 FR 80444 80448 Final Findings for Export of Bobcat, Lynx, River Otter, Alaskan Gray Wolf & Alaskan Brown Bear Taken in 80-81 Season
11/25/1980 45 FR 78153 78156 Revision of Special Rule on American Alligator
08/08/1980 45 FR 52849 52853 Revision of the Special Rule on the American Alligator
10/12/1979 44 FR 59080 59086 Changes to the Special Rule Concerning the American Alligator
09/06/1979 44 FR 51980 51982 Changes to the Special Rule Concerning the American Alligator
07/18/1979 44 FR 41894 Proposed Changes to the Special Rule Concerning the American Alligator
01/10/1977 42 FR 2071 2076 Reclassification of American Alligator to Threatened Status in Certain Parts of Its Range; 42 FR 2071 2076 (Alligator mississippiensis)
Citation Page
Document Type
06/04/1987 52 FR 21059 21064 Reclassification of American Alligator to Thr. Due to Similarity of Appearance Throughout Remainder of its Range; 52 FR 21059-21064
  • Final Delisting, Recovered
  • Final Listing, Similarity of appearance - T
06/02/1986 51 FR 19760 19963 Proposal to Reclassify Legal Status of American Alligator Throughout Remainder of its Range to Thr. Due to Similarity of Appearance; 51 FR 19760-19963
  • Proposed Delisting, Recovered
  • Proposed Listing, Similarity of appearance - T
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